Judith Lamb, a New Yorker who moved to Delaware County in the early 1980s, has been painting her entire life. After experimenting with different styles of painting, she discovered that still life was the perfect vehicle for her temperament.
The paintings produced by Judith Lamb have been accurately described as "...masterfully capturing the very real but usually overlooked vitality that her subjects hold. Ms. Lamb's paintings are much more than thoughtful renderings of inanimate objects; they are careful studies of what lies beneath what the eye perceives."
1. Eva Gebhardt-Gourgault Fellowship. $4,500. 1971-2. One year of study in Paris, France
2. Brooklyn College Fine Arts Award. 1964
Columbia University – M.F.A. 1969 – 1971
Brooklyn College – B.F.A. 1960 – 1964